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Do Your Skin a Favor!!

Linnette Johnson

The skin is the largest organ in the body with the job of protecting the body from trauma and outside dangers, regulating temperature, and sensing pain. Like with any other organ, paying attention to and nurturing its health is good practice. One way to do this is to start a daily routine of dry brushing your skin in the morning before taking a bath or shower.

Appropriately, dry brushing is precisely what it sounds like - brushing the skin with a dry brush. The process removes dry, dead skin cells, leaving the skin fresh and new.

You may think adding another step to your already busy routine is too much, but besides the baby-soft skin, the benefits of dry brushing go beyond just your skin.

Here are some of the incredible benefits:

Lymphatic System The lymphatic system comprises a series of nodes throughout the body connected by lymph vessels. The nodes contain immune cells that help fight infection within the body or keep harmful substances out. Dry brushing can help to stimulate the lymphatic system to help the body detoxify.

Exfoliation Dry brushing with a natural bristle brush helps to remove dead skin cells for softer, more vibrant skin.

Natural Energy Boost Dry brushing increases circulation, leading to a nice post-brush energy boost. Maybe not at night, though! Also, when done properly, dry brushing feels great!

When shopping for a dry brush, you want to look for a brush with natural fibers. Maybe ask in the beauty section at your favorite store if you have difficulty locating one. Or you can always find one online by searching: ‘natural dry brush for the skin.’

Once you have yours, try this method to get the softest, smoothest skin:

  • Start at the feet and brush upward, covering each section up your leg with ten long, smooth strokes. To activate that lymphatic system, it is recommended that all strokes along the body be guided toward the heart or the center of the body.

  • Repeat this process with the arms by starting at the hands and moving up toward the shoulders, brushing each section 10 times.

  • For the torso and underarms, brush in a circular clockwise motion.

  • A more delicate, face-specific brush is required for the face as the body brush will be too harsh.

Note: Brushing too hard can cause the skin to turn red or sting. Your strokes should be smooth and soft. It is uncomfortable. You are doing it too hard.

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