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Mindful Eating 101

Linnette Johnson

If you have been looking up mindfulness, you may have encountered some mentions that it can help your dietary habits and even lead to weight loss. This is done by changing how you look at food, including what, when, and how you consume your meals. Here is some information about mindful eating and how to start doing it.



About Mindful Eating

First, let’s take a look at precisely what mindful eating is. Like when you practice mindfulness meditation, you focus on the present. You are eating with intention by paying close attention to every bite, every taste, and every smell. Before you choose what to eat, think about the entire experience, including how you will feel afterward. Focus on your hunger and decide if you are hungry, then use mindfulness to figure out where and what you want to eat. When you pay close attention, you realize when you are hungry and what you are craving without counting calories or stressing about carbs.

Take Your Time While Eating

An excellent way to start practicing mindful eating is to eat slightly slower. Don’t rush through a meal while on your work break. Try to work simultaneously. Schedule your lunch so that you can sit silently and take your time. Indulge in your meal, think about what you are eating, and truly appreciate it. If you can eat in silence in a peaceful environment, that will do wonders for the entire experience. Eating in front of a television or watching Netflix is tempting, but that takes away from the mindful practice of eating. This can also help to reduce emotional eating habits.

Understand Hunger vs. Boredom

People choose to eat for many reasons, but it usually comes down to being hungry or not hungry. Don’t eat just because it is noon and you typically eat lunch or because you are looking for an excellent way to take up an hour before an appointment. Stop eating because you are bored, stressed, happy, or sad. Eat only when you are hungry. It can take some time, but you need to learn how to listen to your body and know when hunger pangs come from hunger. Don’t worry about what you eat regarding fat, calories, or carbs, but eat whatever sounds right.

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