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Watermelon- Did you know?

Linnette Johnson

Updated: Sep 13, 2024

As summer ends... how many made watermelon a summer treat?

Did you know that watermelon is a superfood? Who knew that Watermelon would make it to the superfood world?

So, let's break down how it's a superfood...

At only 48 calories per cup, watermelon is as nutritious for us as it is delicious! It’s packed with essential vitamins like A and C -antioxidants, and watermelon isn’t chocked full of sugar like some of its other fruity counterparts.

It also packs a hefty dose of citrulline (amino acid), which helps the body produce another amino acid called arginine. (L-arginine essentially causes blood vessels to open wider for improved blood flow and stimulates the release of growth hormones, insulin, and other substances.) Because of this, a study was launched and suggests that eating watermelon could potentially lower blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease (study here-

The rind is also full of powerful amino acids, so eat it or juice it to reap the full benefits of watermelon.

Look for local watermelon for the most flavorful and freshest slices from June through November. Refrigerate and eat a cut watermelon within seven days, as the lycopene content decreases significantly with each day of storage.

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